MassHire Bristol Workforce Board – Executive Committee Meeting – 2/20/2024

2024-02-16T15:47:08-04:00 February 16th, 2024|

MassHire Bristol Workforce Board

Executive Committee Meeting

February 20, 2024, 8:30 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 864 0517 5250

One tap mobile +13092053325,,86405175250# US



1.          Call to Order

2.          Approval of November 21, 2023 Executive Committee meeting minutes

3.          Next Board Meeting – March 21, 2024

4.          Career Center Updates

5.          Salary Surveys Released

6.          Regional Grant Updates

  • CAM Grant
  • CTI Round 9
  • YouthWorks

7.          Other Updates

8.          Adjournment