MassHire Bristol Workforce Board to Meet 9-24-20

2020-09-21T14:17:31-04:00 September 21st, 2020|

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 8742 4943

Dial In: +1 312 626 6799


I.          Call to Order

II.        Welcome, Opening Remarks and Introductions

III.       Review of June 25, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

  • Item for Vote: Approval of Minutes

IV.       Additional WIOA Youth Barrier Policy

  • Item for Vote: Approval of Draft Policy

V.        Ongoing Workforce Development Services During COVID-19 Crisis

  • Job Seeker/Business Services

VI.      WIOA Out-of-School Youth Programming for Fiscal Year 2021

  • Maria Ferreira-Bedard, SER Jobs for Progress
  • Dale Hayden, Bristol Community College

VII.     Workforce Training Fund, Overview and Recent Changes

  • Kristen Rayne, Commonwealth Corporation

VIII.    Executive Director’s Report

  • Grant and Other Updates

IX.       Adjournment