Quarterly Meeting
March 24, 2022
8:30 am – 10:00 am
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81261331717?pwd=M3IremxmT3JRVXl0dW9QcFYrRXA5UT09
Meeting ID: 812 6133 1717
Passcode: 815867
One tap mobile +16465588656,,81261331717#,*815867# US (New York)
1. Call to Order
2. Welcome and Opening Remarks
3. Guest Introductions
4. Review of January 20, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
Item for Vote: Approval of Minutes
5. One Stop Career Center Updates
6. Apprenticeship as a Workforce Development Tool
Patrick Mitchell, Director, Division of Apprentice Standards
7. Partner Updates
8. Executive Director’s Report
9. Member/Other Updates
10. Adjournment