WIOA Youth RFP Released

2024-04-26T09:18:40-04:00 April 26th, 2024|

The MassHire Bristol Workforce Board is seeking proposals for Fiscal Year 2025 out-of-school youth activities under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

RFP #24-10:  Out-of-School Youth Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Activities: The MassHire Bristol Workforce Board is seeking proposals, to provide to eligible out-of-school youth seeking assistance in achieving academic and employment success, effective activities during Fiscal Year 2025.  These shall include options for improving educational and skill competencies.

Request for Proposal forms are available at: http://masshirebristolwb.org/youthrfpfy25/ or by contacting Thomas Perreira at tperreira@masshirebristol.org